


1. 网站权重的概念:网站权重是指在搜索引擎中,根据其内容和外部链接质量而分配的一个数字。


2. 网站权重的作用:影响着该网站在各大搜索引擎上的可见度和流量。

3. 权重对SEO优化有何意义:如何将相关性高、质量好的外部链接连到我们的网站上?如何使我们的内容能够得到正常显示并收录呢? 因此, 权 重对于 SEO 优化有十分关键性意义。


1. 建设优质内容: 进行原创文字/图片/视频/动画/PPT 等方式进行内容建设, 保证文字通顺, 有时把不合语法之间几句话就要修正几遍; 合理使用H1-H6标题; 适当使用图片; 不要随便处理代码; 多加注意SEO优化工作。

2. 外部连入: 连入相关且有PR(PageRank)值得友情连入, PR4~10之间效益最好; 连入PR0~3之间效益也不小, 尤其是PR0~2之间效益很大; 连出时要注意不能隔三差五就去连出一些无甚意义且PR0~3之间友情连出。 3. 添加RSS: RSS (Really Simple Syndication) 是一个XML格式文件 , 通常是RSS 2 . 0版本 , RSS文件中包含了博客 / 站内新闻 / 最新信息 / 最新图片 / 最新声明 / 最新留言 ... 等 ; RSS能够帮助我们快速将信息传递到Google News , Yahoo!News , MSN News ... 等 ; Google Sitemaps : Google Sitemaps 是Google扩大Webmaster Tools中独特而神奇的工作 ; Webmaster Tools中Google Sitemap能够帮助webmasters将website上手已有而又被googlebot看不到 (hidden pages ) 的pages indexing by googlebot . 4. 合理使用Meta Tags : Meta tags are HTML elements used to provide structured metadata about a web page . They are placed between the and tags in an HTML document . The most common meta tags include title tag , description tag and keyword tag which can help search engine robots better understand your website content and improve its ranking on SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). 5. 高效追踪Robots : Robots txt is a text file that tells search engine robots how to crawl or index your website pages . It helps you control what parts of your site should be indexed by search engines and what parts should not be indexed . 6. URL Rewrite & Canonicalization : URL rewrite is the process of rewriting URLs from one format to another so that they appear more user friendly while canonicalization is the process of making sure all versions of a given URL point to one version only for better SEO performance . 7. XML Site Map Creation & Submission : An XML sitemap is an important part of any website as it helps search engine crawlers find all the important pages on your site quickly and easily without having to go through every single page manually . 8





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