
Spring + Spring MVC + MyBatis(abbreviated as SSM)is a widely used popular open source framework, providing rAPId application development capabilities. Due to its powerful development capabilities, the project can rapidly construct a complete framework for the system and quickly realize a non trivial engineering.


In actual development, we often face a problem, that is, how to limit the call rate for API and service. In order to ensure adequate system performance, when the requested API and service increases sharply to a certn extent, it needs to throttle to avoid service collapse.

One common way to do throttling is to use Redis as a counter. Redis can store key-value prs, such as a token, and then store the number of API requests that the client has requested in a certn period of time. When the API request number has reached a certn threshold, the request is rejected.

In order to implement this throttling in SSM framework, we need to do the following procedures:

1. In the configuration file, add the configuration information of Redis and the limit rate of API requests.

2. Use AOP aspect programming to encapsulate the API call action as an aspect, and intercept the current API call.

3. Pass the key to Redis to obtn the current API call number from Redis, judge whether it is within the limit range, and then control the request forwarding by returning different HTTP status codes.

4. Refresh the Redis key-value pr to adjust the counter.

Here is an example of how to implement this throttling based on SSM framework:


//Configuration of Redis in the configuration file


public JedisPool jedisPool() {

return new JedisPool(“”, 6379);


//AOP aspect programming


public class ApiPointcut {

@Before(“execution(* com.example.controllers.HelloController.hello(..))”)

public void requestLimit() {

String requestIP = getIpAddr();

String key = “req_limit_” + requestIP;

//Get the current API call number from Redis

Jedis jedis = jedisPool.getResource();

Long reqCount = jedis.incrBy(key, 1L);

jedis.expire(key, 10);


//Judge whether it is within the limit range and control the request forwarding by returning different HTTP status codes.

if(reqCount == 1) {

logger.info(“Sucessful access”);

} else if (reqCount > 5) {

logger.error(“Number of access exceeded the limitation”);





In this way, we use the Redis key-value pr to record the number of API requests in a certn period of time, and use AOP aspect programming to intercept the current API calls to perform throttling. In this way, we can effectively limit the request rate of the API and ensure the normal performance of the system.





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